Who better to talk about the next generation of Messianic Judaism and its impact on our lives than us! A generation ago, our parents were in our place and they blazed a trail that most likely affected all of us. Many of us grew up with the faith system they set up and we can truly learn from them still. However we also realize that as the world changes, and Judaism changes and Christianity changes, the trends are more apparent to us and we know how to affect our generation who will in turn be leading messianic Judaism, like our parents did. We are excited to have speakers who will present new ideas, alter old paradigms and cast vision. It is up to us to interact with those ideas and blaze a new path, utilizing what came before and inspiring our movement into the future.

He was born in Jerusalem to a family of musicians, where his love for the arts began at a young age.  He and his family have been honored to travel the world blessing people with biblically inspired Israeli music.

She was born in the USA and has been singing since her first words.  She has sung with music teams in LA and Chicago, before moving to Jerusalem with her husband.

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